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International journals


  • Samet S., Bouzayani B., Treilhou M., Tene N., Mezghani-Jarraya R. (202x). Phenolic profile characterization by LC-ESI-MS² of Erodium arborescens methanol extract. Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry (en préparation)
  • Amani Ayachi, Guillaume Boy, Sonda Samet, Nathan Téné, Bouthaina Bouzayani, Michel Treilhou, Raoudha Mezghani-Jarraya *, Arnaud Billet * (2024) Isolation, NMR Characterization, and Bioactivity of a Flavonoid Triglycoside from Anthyllis henoniana Stems: Antioxidant and Antiproliferative Effects on MDA-MB-231 Breast Cancer Cells. Antioxidants. 2024; 13(7):793.
  • Axel Touchard, Samuel D. Robinson, Hadrien Lalagüe, Steven Ascoët, Arnaud Billet, Alain DEJEAN, Nathan J Téné, Frédéric Petitclerc, Valérie Troispoux, Michel Treilhou, Elsa Bonnafé, Irina Vetter, Joel Vizueta, Corrie S Moreau, Jérôme Orivel, Niklas Tysklind (2024) Adaptive trade-offs in ant venoms revealed by combining bioactivities, morphological and molecular traits » (soumis dans Proceedings B)
  • Duraisamy K, Kumar M, Nawabjan A, Lo EKK, Hui Lin M, Lefranc B, Bonnafé E, Treilhou M, El-Nezami H, Leprince J, Chow BKC. (2024) MRGPRB2/X2 and the analogous effects of its agonist and antagonist in DSS-induced colitis in mice. Biomed Pharmacother. 174:116471. doi: 10.1016/j.biopha.2024.116471. Epub 2024 Mar 27. PMID: 38547764.
  • Touchard A, Barassé V, Malgouyre JM, Treilhou M, Klopp C, Bonnafé E. (2024) The genome of the ant Tetramorium bicarinatum reveals a tandem organization of venom peptides genes allowing the prediction of their regulatory and evolutionary profiles. BMC Genomics. 20;25(1):84. doi: 10.1186/s12864-024-10012-y.


  • Barassé V, Jouvensal L, Boy G, Billet A, Ascoët S, Lefranc B, Leprince J, Dejean A, Lacotte V, Rahioui I, Sivignon C, Gaget K, Ribeiro Lopes M, Calevro F, Da Silva P, Loth C, Paquet F, M, Treilhou M, Bonnafé E, Touchard A. (2023) Discovery of an Insect Neuroactive Helix Ring Peptide from
    Ant Venom. Toxins 15, 600  doi: 10.3390/toxins15100600
  • Ayachi A, Ben Younes A., Ben Ammar A., Boutzayani B., Samet S, Siala M., Trigui M., Treilhou M, Téné N, Mezghani-Jarraya R. (2023) Effect of the harvest season of Anthyllis henoniana stems on antioxidant and antimicrobial activities: phytochemical pro-filing of their ethyl acetate extracts. Molecules, 28, 3947, 1-20.  doi: 10.3390/molecules28093947
  • Ascoët S., Touchard A., Téné N., Lefranc B., Leprince J., Paquet F., Jouvensal L., Barassé V., Treilhou M., Billet A., Bonnafé E. (2023)  The description of the mechanism underlying cytotoxicity against insects of a venom peptide reveals how ants are master to perturbate membrane cells. iScience. 8;26(3):106157. doi: 10.1016/j.isci.2023.106157
  • Robinson S.D., Deuis J.R., Touchard A., Keramidas A., Mueller A., Schroeder C., Barassé V., Walker A.A., Jami S., Bonnafé E., Treilhou M., Undheim E.A.B., Schmidt J.O., King G.F., Vetter I. (2023) Ant venoms contain vertebrate-specific pain-causing sodium channel toxins  Nature comm.  doi:, 10.1038/s41467-023-38839-1)
  • Rejo L, Malgouyres JM, Bonnafé E, Vignet C. (2023) Optimization and calibration of behavioural tests on different species of planaria for ecotoxicological studies. Environ Toxicol Pharmacol. 101:104189. doi: 10.1016/j.etap.2023.104189.


  • Duraisamy K, Singh K, Kumar M, Lefranc B, Bonnafé E, Treilhou M, Leprince J, Chow BKC. (2022) P17 induces chemotaxis and differentiation of monocytes via MRGPRX2-mediated mast cell-line activation. J Allergy Clin Immunol. 149(1):275-291. doi: 10.1016/j.jaci.2021.04.040.
  • Barassé V, Téné N, Klopp C, Paquet F, Tysklind N, Troispoux V, Lalägue H, Orivel J, Lefranc B, Leprince J, Kenne M, Tindo M, Treilhou M, Touchard A, Bonnafé E. (2022) Venomics survey of six myrmicine ants provides insights into the molecular and structural diversity of their peptide toxins. Insect Biochem Mol Biol.  doi: 10.1016/j.ibmb.2022.103876.
  • Toudert-Djouber F., Piou V., Amrane R., Treilhou M. (2022). The Effects of a systemic insecticide on stretching and production of wax in domestic bees Apis mellifera intermissa in Northen Africa (Algeria). African Enthomology doi: 10.17159/2254-8854/2022/a11116
  • Samet S, Ayachi A, Fourati M., Mallouli L., Allouche N., Treilhou M, Téné N, Mezghani-Jarraya R. (2022) Antioxidant and Antimicrobial Activities of Erodium arborescens Aerial Part Extracts and Characterization by LC-HESI-MS2 of Its Acetone Extract. Molecules, 27(14) 4399.  doi: 10.3390/molecules27144399
  • Bouly, L., Fenet, H., Carayon, J.-L., Gomez, E., Géret, F., Courant, F. (2022) Metabolism of the aquatic pollutant diclofenac in the Lymnaea stagnalis freshwater gastropod. Environ Sci Pollut Res Int. . doi: 10.1007/s11356-022-21815-5.
  • Grati W., Samet S., Bouzayani B., Ayachi A., Treilhou M., Téné N.,  Mezghani-Jarraya R. (2022). HESI-MS/MS analysis of phenolic compounds from Calendula aegyptiaca fruits extracts and evaluation of their antioxidant activities.  Molecules, 2;27(7):2314. doi: 10.3390/molecules27072314.
  • Bouly, L., Courant, F., Bonnafé, E., Carayon, J.-L., Malgouyres, J.-M., Vignet, C., Gomez, E., Géret, F., Fenet, H., (2022). Long-term exposure to environmental diclofenac concentrations impairs growth and induces molecular changes in Lymnaea stagnalis freshwater snails. Chemosphere 291, 133065. doi : 10.1016/j.chemosphere.2021.133065
  • Allaoua M., Bonnafé E., Etienne P., Noirot V., Gabarrou J-F., Bouchez O., Pascal G., Darbot V., Treilhou M., Combes S. (2022). A carvacrol-based product reduces Campylobacter jejuni load and alters microbiota composition in the caeca of chickens. Journal of Applied Microbiology. doi: 10.1111/jam.15521


  • Parny, M. Coste, A. Aubouy, M. Rahabi, M. Prat, B. Pipy, M. Treilhou. (2021). Differential immunomodulatory effects of six pesticides of different chemical classes on human monocyte-derived macrophage functions. Food and Chemical Toxicology. Cell Biol Toxicol. 37(3):379-400. doi: 10.1007/s10565-020-09540-6.
  • Affes, A. Ben Younes, D. Frikha, N. Allouche, M. Treilhou, N. Tene, R. Mezghani-Jarraya.  (2021). “ESI-MS/MS analysis of phenolic compounds from Aeonium arboreum leaf extracts and evaluation of their antioxidant and antimicrobial activities”. Molecules. 17;26 (14) 4338.
  • Duraisamy K., Singh K.,  Kumar M., Lefranc B., Bonnafé E., Treilhou M., Leprince J., Chow BKC. (2021).  “P17 induces chemotaxis and differentiation of monocytes via MRGPRX2-mediated mast cell-line activation”. J Allergy Clin Immunol. 149 (1) 275-291 doi: 10.1016/j.jaci.2021.04.040 .
  • Martinez, O., Sire, S., Saunier, A., Malgouyres, J.-M., Fournier, A., Vignet, C. (2021). Behavioral responses of three freshwater planaria species to light, visual and olfactory stimuli: Setting the stage for further ecotoxicological studies. Behavioural Processes 183, 104295.
  • Lebreton, M., Malgouyres, J.-M., Carayon, J.-L., Bonnafé, E., Géret, F., (2021). Effects of the anxiolytic benzodiazepine oxazepam on freshwater gastropod reproduction: a prospective study. Ecotoxicology.
  • Parny M., Bernad J., Salon M., Prat M., Jacquemin G., Bonnafé E., Coste A., Pipy B., Treilhou M. (2021). “Comparative study of the effects of ziram and disulfiram on human monocyte-derived macrophage functions and polarization: involvement of zinc”. Cell Biol Toxicol. 37 (3) 379-400. doi: 10.1007/s10565-020-09540-6
  • Lebreton, M., Sire, S., Carayon, J.-L., Malgouyres, J.-M., Vignet, C., Géret, F., Bonnafé, E., (2021). Low concentrations of oxazepam induce feeding and molecular changes in Radix balthica juveniles. Aquatic Toxicology 230, 105694.


  • Touchard A., Aili S., Téné N., Barassé V., Klopp C., Dejean A., Kini R.M., Mrinalini M., Coquet L.,  Jouenne T., Lefranc B., Leprince J., Escoubas P., Nicholson G., Treilhou M., Bonnafé E. (2020). « Characterization of the venom peptide repertoire of the red ant Manica rubida ( Myrmicinae ) and identification of insecticidal toxins », J. Proteome Res.  3;19(4):1800-1811. (2020).
  • Requier, F., Fournier A., Rome Q., Darrouzet E. (2020). “Science communication is needed to inform risk perception and action of stakeholders.” Journal of Environmental Management 257:109983.


  • Alvarez, D., Wilkinson K.A., Treilhou M., Téné N., Castillo D., Sauvain M. (2019). “Prospecting peptides isolated from black soldier fly (Diptera: Stratiomyidae) with antimicrobial activity against Helicobacter pylori (Campylobacterales: Helicobacteraceae).” Journal of Insect Science (Online) 19(6):1–5.
  • Barassé, V., Touchard A., Téné N., Tindo M., Kenne M., Klopp C., Dejean A.,  Bonnafé E., Treilhou M. (2019). “The peptide venom composition of the fierce stinging ant Tetraponera aethiops (Formicidae: Pseudomyrmecinae).” Toxins 11(12): 1–14.


  • Touchard A., Tene N.,  Chan Tchi Song P., Lefranc  B., Leprince J., Treilhou M., Bonnafe E. (2018) Deciphering the molecular diversity of an ant venom peptidome through a venomics approach. Journal of Proteome Research 17 (10),  3503-3516  (DOI: 10.1021/acs.jproteome.8b00452)
  • Allaoua M., Etienne P., Noirot V., Carayon JL., Tene N., Bonnafe E., Treilhou M. (2018) Pharmacokinetic and antimicrobial activity of a new carvacrol-based product against a human pathogen, Campylobacter jejuni. Journal of Applied Microbiology 125 (4) 1162-1174  (DOI: 10.1111/jam.13915)
  • Guzman J., Téné N., Touchard A., Castillo D, Belkhelfa H, Haddioui-Hbabi L, Treilhou M, Sauvain M. (2018) Anti-Helicobacter pylori properties of the ant-venom peptide Bicarinalin. Toxins, 10(1), 21 (doi:3390/toxins10010021)


  • Benmoussa K., Authier H., Prat M., AlaEddine M., Lefèvre L., Chirine Rahabi M., Bernad J., Bonnafé E., Leprince J., Pipy B., Treilhou M., Coste A. (2017) P17, an original host defense peptide from ant venom, promotes antifungal activities of macrophages through the induction of C-type Lectin Receptors dependent on LTB4-mediated PPARγ activation. Frontiers in Immunology 8: 1650
  • Benmoussa K., Authier H., Prat M., Alaeddine M., Lefèvre L., ChirineRahabi M., Bernad J., Bonnafé E., Leprince J., Pipy B., Treilhou M., Coste A. (2017) Le P17, un nouveau peptide antimicrobien, favorise l’activité antifongique des macrophages via l’induction des récepteurs Mannose et Dectine-1 et contribue à la résolution d’une candidose digestive expérimentale. Journal de Mycologie Médicale 27 (3) e11-e12. (
  • Chaker A., Najahi E., Chatriant O., Valentin A., Téné N., Treilhou M., Chabchoub F., Nepveu F. (2017) New 3-substituted-2,1-benzisoxazoles : Synthesis and antimicrobial activities, Arabian Journal of Chemistry 10 (Suppl. 2), S2464-S2470 (


  • Guzman J., Treilhou M, Castillo D, Belkhelfa H, Haddioui-Hbabi L, Sauvain M. (2016) A peptide isolated from an ant active against Helicobacter pylori. Planta Med. 82(S 01): S1-S381 (doi:10.1055/s-0036-1596765)
  • Téné N., Bonnafé E., Berger F., Rifflet A., Guilhaudis L., Ségalas-Milazzo I., Pipy B., Coste A., Leprince J., Treilhou M. (2016) Biochemical and biophysical combined study of bicarinalin, an ant venom antimicrobial peptide. Peptides 79:103-13 (doi: 10.1016/j.peptides.2016.04.001)
  • Treilhou M., Chollet J.F., Couderchet M. (2015) Crop protection, environment, health, and biodiversity: observations and outlook. Environ Sci Pollut Res: 22 (11) 7987–7990. (doi 10.1007/s11356-015-4528-1)


  • Bonnafé E., Drouard F., Hotier L., Carayon JL., Marty P., Treilhou M., Armengaud C. (2015) Effect of a thymol application on olfactory memory and gene expression levels in the brain of the honeybee Apis mellifera. Environ Sci Pollut Res: 22 (11) 8022–8030. (doi 10.1007/s11356-014-2616-2)
  • Téné N., Roche-Chatain V., Rifflet A., Bonnafé E., Lefranc B., Leprince J., Treilhou M. (2014) Potent bactericidal effects of bicarinalin against strains of the Enterobacter and Cronobacter genera, Food Control : 42; 202-206
  • Carayon J.L., Nathan Téné, Bonnafé E., Alayrangues J., Hotier L., Armengaud C.,  Treilhou M. (2014) Thymol as an alternative to pesticides: persistence and effects of Apilife Var on the phototactic behavior of the honeybee Apis mellifera, Environ Sci Pollut Res 21(7) 4934-9 (doi: 10.1007/s11356-013-2143-6)
  • Najahi E., Valentin A., Téné N., Treilhou M., Nepveu F. (2013) Synthesis and biological evaluation of new bis-indolone-N-oxides, Bioorganic Chemistry 48, 16-21
  • Tabart J., Colin M.E., Carayon J.L., Téné N., Payre B., Vetillard A. (2013) Artificial feeding of Varroa destructor through a chitosan membrane: a tool for studying the host-microparasite relationship. Exp Appl Acarol. 61(1). 107-118
  • Bergougnoux M., Treilhou M., Armengaud C. (2013) Exposure to thymol decreased phototactic behaviour in the honeybee (Apis mellifera) in laboratory conditions Apidologie 44 (1) 82

International congress

  • Duraisamy K., Singh K., Kumar M., Lefranc B., Bonnafe E., Treilhou M., Leprince J., Chow B. K. C., in World Immune Regulation Meeting XIV Title: (2020), Davos, Switzerland
  • Téné N., Bonnafé E., Bergé F., Rifflet A., Guilhaudis L., Ségalas-Milazzo I., Pipy B., Coste A., Leprince J., Treilhou M., A brand new antimicrobial peptide from the venom of the myrmicine ant: Tetramorium bicarinatum. 33rd European Peptide Symposium (33-EPS), Sofia 2014, Bulgaria
  • Téné N., Bonnafé E., Roche-Chatain V., Rifflet A., Guilhaudis L., Ségalas-Milazzo I., Pipy B., Coste A., Leprince J., Treilhou M., Bicarinalin, a new broad spectrum antimicrobial peptide from the venom of the ant Tetramorium bicarinatum. 4th International Symposium on Antimicrobial Peptides (AMP-2014), Lorient 2014, France.
  • Bonnafé E., Carayon J.L., Téné N., Lontier L., Armengaud C., Treilhou M.,  Thymol as an alternative to pesticides: effect on olfactory memory and gene expresiion levels in the brain of the honeybee Apis mellifera. European Meeting of Environmental Chemistry (EMEC), Budva 2013, Montenegro

National congress

  • Allaoua M., Combes S., Noirot V., Pierre E., Gabarrou J-F., Bouchez O., Treilhou M., Bonnafé E. (2019) Efficacité d’une nouvelle formulation du carvacrol contre Campylobacter jejuni en essai in vivo et impact sur le microbiote caecal. 13e Journée de la Recherche Avicole (JRA 2019) Tours
  • Parny M., Pipy B., Treilhou M. (2019) Implication du zinc dans la modulation de la fonctionnalité des monocytes/macrophages humains induite in vitro par le zirame. 49e Congrès du Groupe Français de recherche sur les Pesticides (GFP-2019), Montpellier (oral)
  • Barassé V., Touchard A., Téné N., Bonnafé E., Treilhou M. (2019) Exploring the molecular diversity of ant venoms reveals conserved toxin precursors and distinctive mature peptides features among and within phylogenetic subfamilies. 30ème Congrès de l’Union Internationale pour l’Etude des Insectes Sociaux (UIEIS-SF) (oral)
  • Barassé V., Touchard A., Téné N., Bonnafé E., Treilhou M. (2019) Exploring the molecular diversity of ant venoms reveals conserved toxin precursors and distinctive mature peptides features among phylogenetic subfamilies. Congrès national de la Biologie des Insectes (CBI-2019), Albi (oral)
  • Treilhou M., Barrasé V., Téné N., Touchard A., Bonnafé E. (2019) De l’étude structurale des toxines peptidiques du venin de fourmis à leurs activités et fonctions biologiques. Congrès national de la Biologie des Insectes (CBI-2019), Albi (oral)
  • Touchard A., Téné N., Chan Tchi Song P., Lefranc B., Leprince J., Treilhou M., Bonnafé E. (2019) Deciphering the molecular diversity of an ant venom peptidome through a venomics approach. 21e congrès du Groupe Français des Peptides et Protéines (GFPP) Amboise, (oral)
  • Barassé V., Touchard A., Téné N., Bonnafé E., Treilhou M. (2019) Exploring the molecular diversity of ant venoms reveals distinctive venom features. 21e congrès du Groupe Français des Peptides et Protéines (GFPP) Amboise, (affiche)
  • Drouard F., Pagin P., Alayrangues J., Treilhou M., Hotier L., Armengaud C. (2014) Evaluation de la mémoire olfactive de l’abeille Apis mellifera après exposition à des préparations à base de thymol. Congrès du « Groupe Français des Pesticides » (GFP-2014), Schoelcher
  • Drouard F., Pagin P., Alayrangues J., Treilhou M., Hotier L., Armengaud C. (2014) Evaluation de la mémoire olfactive de l’abeille Apis mellifera après exposition à des préparations à base de thymol. Congrès du « Groupe Français des Pesticides » (GFP-2014), Schoelcher
  • Rifflet A., Gavalda S., Téné N., Orivel J., Leprince J., Guilhaudis L., Génin E.,  Vetillard A., Treilhou M., (2012) Structural identification by mass spectrometry and antibacterial activity of a peptide from the venom of the Brazilian ant Tetramorium bicarinatum. Spectrométrie de Masse et Analyse Protéomique (SMAP -2014), Avignon
  • Téné N., Rifflet A., Carayon J.L., Berger F., Guilhaudis L., Leprince J., Treilhou M., (2013) Bicarinalin : a cationic broad-spectrum antimicrobial peptide from the venom of the ant Tetramorium bicarinatum. Congrès du « Groupe Français des Peptides et des Protéines » (GFPP-2013), Sète
  • Bonnafé E., Carayon J.L., Marty P., Armengaud C., Treilhou M., (2013) Effets d’une exposition au thymol sur l’expression des gènes impliqués dans l’olfaction et la vision dans le cerveau de l’abeille Apis mellifera, Congrès du « Groupe Français des Pesticides » (GFP-2013),  Albi
  • Bertrand Y., Alayrangues J., Bergougnoux M., Hotier L., Treilhou M., Armengaud C. (2013) Evaluation du comportement au thymol au laboratoire et dans la ruche, Congrès du « Groupe Français des Pesticides » (GFP-2013), Albi